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09 August 2011

Acrochordus javanicus

guys, do you what is that? that is a scientific name for the elephant's trunk snake. in my kampung, it is called ular guni..venom-less, fang-less and immobilized on the ground..i caught 3 of them accidentally while trying to look for snake head fish (ikan haruan)!!! no wonder i could not force the long bamboo inside the irrigation pipe..they were staying put inside it while waiting for fish to come so that they could get easy meal..hahaha..very funny and 'intelligent' way of catching fish..


  1. ni ke y kt umah tu? mak kate 3 ekor?? -adek

  2. bukan..nie amik kat internet jer..ari tu x donlod dr k tie lg..hehehe



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